Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Scholarship News
•The University of Arkansas will be here today during all lunches. Wildcats, this is your opportunity to get first-hand information about the college admissions process, test requirements, and how universities make their decisions about who gets admitted to their school.
•Attention Senior Women. The BHW Group is offering a $3,000 scholarship to graduating senior females who are pursuing a degree in a STEM related field. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 15th.
•Are you planning a career in Engineering? The Wire Reinforcement Institute will award up to $4,000 in scholarships to a graduating high school senior who is pursuing a degree in structural or civil engineering.
•The Get Girls Golfing Scholarship is open to graduating high school females who plays golf competitively in high school and who intends to play golf as a freshman at a 2 or 4 year college. The deadline to apply for this $1,500 award, is May 15th.
•More information about these awards and other scholarships, are listed in the April Scholarship Bulletin. Stop by the Registrar, Counselor, or main office to pick up your copy today!