This Saturday the Cadettes competed in the Crowd Pleasers Texas State Championship. The Cadettes brought home lots of awards.
2 3rd runners up for solos
The Cadette social officers were named the 1st place state champion socials.
The Cadette line officers received 1st place for their open, 3rd place for their lyrical and 3rd place for their contemporary. They were named 3rd place XL Grand Champion Officers and 4th place overall state champion officer line.
The Cadettes received 1st place for their team jazz, novelty and open. They received 2nd place for their pom and lyrical.
In a very close competition, the Cadettes were named 2nd place XL Grand State Champion. Only 1.25 points were between 1st and 2nd.
The Cadettes also received an academic achievement award for having a high team GPA of 3.8.
The Cadettes were named 3rd place overall state champion team which included 4 diamond adjudication awards which is the highest you can receive.
The Cadettes will next head to Grand Nationals in Florida in 2 weeks to complete their competition season.
We are so proud of our third place state champion Cadettes!