Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Crimson Cadettes

This pas Saturday the Crimson Cadettes competed in their first dance competition of the year at Cy Falls HS.  The Cadettes won every category they entered, including 1st place for all 4 line officer dances, 1st place for all 4 team dances and 1st place for their social officer routine.

The Cadettes won the 3 highest scoring routines of the whole competition and then were named the Overall Grand Champion Officer line and the Overall Grand Champion Team.  Congrats to the Cadettes for sweeping their first team competition of the year.

Individual Placements:
1st place sophomore solo
2nd place junior solo
1st place junior solo
4th runner up senior solo
3rd runner up senior solo
1st runner up senior solo
1st place senior solo

1st place duet

This Saturday the Cadettes will host a regional dance competition here at Cy Woods, then the following week go back to competing.  Congrats Cadettes on all your awards!