This past Saturday the Crimson Cadettes competed in their first Regional competition of the year at Magnolia High School. The Cadettes had a very successful day taking a clean sweep of the competition. All Cadette solos and duets received division 1 and a Wildcat was named the winner of the Sophomore solos. We had 3 Juniors place as semi finalists and 1 was named 1st runner up of the Junior soloists. We had 1 Wildcat place as semi finalist in Senior soloists.
The Cadette social officers received 1st place. The Cadette line officers received 1st place for all 3 of their routines and won their size category and were named 2nd place overall of the whole contest.
The Crimson Cadettes received 1st place for all 4 of their dances and won their size category. They also took the top 3 high point spots of the whole contest which named them the overall grand champion team beating out every dance team there regardless of size.
Congratulations to the Crimson Cadettes on your very big wins. This Saturday the Cadettes will continue in their competition season by competing at Cy Creek HS. We wish them lots of luck and continued success.