Friday, November 3, 2017

Scholarship News

The November/December Scholarship Bulletin is now available in the Counselors’ Office, or online at MRS. ENGLAND’S website.   

Every year the Society of Professional Women in Petroleum awards merit-based scholarships to female high school seniors in the Houston, TX area who are planning to attend a Texas college or university. This is open to all majors (not just STEM).  The application deadline is February 1, 2018
More information can be found in the College and Career Office or on Mrs. ENGLAND’S website. 
Monday, November 6, The University of Tennessee and The University of Kentucky plan to visit Cypress Woods during lunch times.  Wildcats, continue to stop by these informational tables and pick up items that will help you plan for your future.  Keep your options open!
Stephen F. Austin State University hosts a summer program from sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in studying law.  The pre-law academy is open to 50 students on a first come-first served basis.  More information can be found in the College and Career Office or on Mrs. ENGLAND’S website. 
Texas A&M University section of the Society of Women Engineers would like to invite all high school juniors and seniors to their annual conference – Engineering Exploration.  The conference is open to all juniors and seniors, especially those interested in math, science or engineering related fields.  Registrations closes on December 6.  Visit with Mrs. ENGLAND in the college and career office, or check her website for more information