Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Scholarship News
•Attention Juniors! The University of Texas @ Arlington and Texas Tech University will hold Leadership Camps this summer for high school juniors. The cost to participate in both programs is “Free!” Juniors, this is your opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills, essay writing techniques, plus spend 4 days on a college campus.
•The Microsoft African-American Heritage scholarship is available to graduating high-school seniors who plan to attend a four- year college or university in the fall. The award for this scholarship is $5,000.
•Attention 9th, 10th and 11th grade students, are you interested in a career in Criminal Justice, then you should apply for the Sam Houston Criminal Justice Camp! Space is limited. Pick up your application today!
•Hey Wildcats! Don’t forget to check out the Scholarship Bulletin Board which is across from the commons. Newly released scholarships, internships, and college events are always posted there.
Please see Mrs. Graves in the Registrar’s Office for more information.