Monday, October 27, 2014

Red Ribbon Week 2014

Red Ribbon Week October 27-31

Monday October 27    Every cigarette you smoke reduces your expected life span by 11 minues.
                                     Put a "cap" on drugs.  "Sock" it to 'em. Wear caps and crazy socks.

Tuesday October 28    Teen Tobacco, alcohol and marijuana users are at least twice as likely as
                                      nonusers to have poor grades.  "Tiki Tuesday"  Escape the influence of
                                      drugs, Wear Hawaiian shirts and other tourist attire.

Wednesday October 29  Deaths from medication abuse now outnumber deaths from traffic accidents
                                         for young adults in the U.S.  "Flood out Drugs"  Wear rain gear-raincoat,
                                         rain boots, floaties, etc.

Thursday October 30     Individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 are involved in more than one-
                                         third of all alcohol related traffic accidents.  "Keep your future on the right
                                         path"  Career Day.  Dress up to represent a career choice.

Friday October 31          Teens that started drinking before the age of 15 are 5 times more likely
                                        to become addicted to alcohol later on, unlike those kids who waited until
                                        after they were 21.  "Be Super - Stay Drug Free"  Dress like a super hero
                                        (also the dress up day established by cheer).