Thursday, April 29, 2021

Cy Woods Choir

Cy Woods Choir is excited to present our 2021 Pop Show: ICONS!  Our choir students will perform songs by musical icons, including Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Dolly Parton, Bon Jovi, The Beatles and more!  All numbers will be fully choreographed, costumed and performed with live band.  Make sure to catch one of our 2 performances on Friday, May 7th at 7:00 PM or Saturday, May 8th at 7:00 PM! Come by the choir room and talk to a director for the link to purchase in-person or virtual tickets.

PALS - National Two Different Colored Shoe Day

The PALs would like to invite you to join us in wearing different colored shoes on Monday, May 3rd which is National Two different colored shoes day!  This dress up day is celebrated to recognize what makes us unique and different because our differences are what makes us who we are!  Who wouldn't want to celebrate that?!  We hope that you will take part in commemorating this fun day with us.  You won't want to miss it!

Dual Credit

This is the final week to register for Dual credit classes for next year.  Deadline to turn in the registration form is this Friday, April 30.

If you plan to take a dual credit class next year, your registration is not complete until you take the additional step of completing the Hot Pink dual credit registration form to Lone Star College.

You can pick up the form in the counseling office or contact one of the Dual Credit Counselors, Ms. England or Ms. Pickett to complete this registration process.

If you have already turned in the pink registration form, please disregard this reminder.

If you have NOT turned in the pink dual credit registration form, then the Dual credit classes you selected will be removed from your course selection for next year.

Thank you!

National Superhero Day

Yesterday was National Superhero Day.  Wildcats celebrated by tweeting, messaging or writing to their hero!  Make sure to always tell your hero that you're proud of how brave and strong he or she is!  As Iron Man once said, "Heroes are made with the path they choose, not with the powers they are graced with."  Thank your hero for choosing a path that includes you!  

No Place for Hate

Wildcats, be careful with your words.  Once they are said, they can only be forgiven but never forgotten!  Let's end Hate speech!

Wildcats, April is Sexual assault Awareness month.  1 in 4 females and 1 in 6 males will experience some form of sexual assault.  Perhaps the most important thing that victims need to understand, is that you are not alone.  We are here to support you.  Your Wildcat family has your back.

Wildcats, we must send a message that there is no shame in being a victim of sexual assault, the shame and disgrace is on the aggressor!  Victims are not what happens to them, but what they choose to become!

Wildcats don't let Wildcats blame victims.  It was not about what they were wearing, drinking or doing.  No one deserves to be sexually assaulted.  If you are aware of a situation of sexual assault, please tell someone who can help.  Feel free to use the tipline!

Monday, April 26, 2021


The JV softball team beat Cy Lakes 15-0.  That brings an end to their season with a record of 12-2 on the year and 10-1 in district.

Varsity softball beat Cy Lakes Saturday 11-1.  That victory clinched the District Championship.  That puts their record at 27-4 on the season and 13-1 in district.  They will next take on Klein Oak later this week in the first round of the playoffs.


The Cy Woods Orchestra program had a successful UIL season with our Sub Non Varsity orchestras receiving Excellent ratings on their concert programs.  Our Non Varsity and Varsity orchestras received Superior ratings on their concert programs.  All 4 of our orchestras got Superior ratings on sight reading! Way to Go!

The Cy Woods Orchestras are presenting a special outdoor Spring Concert tomorrow, Tuesday April 27.  The concert will take place outside, behind the Commons and it starts at 6:30 pm.  All are welcome and we hope to see you there!

212 Orchestra!!



April 26-27, 2021 (Mon-Tues.)


Waco Regional Tennis Center

Waco Texas


Bi-District Play

Woods vs. Klein Oak 3 game series

April 30, 2021 (Friday) (away) 6:30pm

May 1, 2021 (Sat.) (home) 12:00

May 1, 2021 (Sat.) (home) 2:00pm

If necessary 30 minutes after noon game


May 7-8, 2021 (Fri.-Sat.)

State Meet

Mike Myers Stadium

Austin TX TBA


April 27, 2021 (Tuesday)

Woods vs. Cy Lakes JV/V (away) 4/7

April 28, 2021 (Wednesday)

Woods vs Langham Creek Soph. (home) 4/6

April 30, 2021 (Friday)

Woods vs. Cy Lakes HS JV/V (home) 4/7

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


This past weekend Band received all ones at the Non-Varsity band UIL Competition!  Congratulations on all your hard work.

Way to go Band!!

Fishing Team

The Texas High School Bass Regionals at Lake Palestine was this past weekend.  The Wildcat Fishing Team represented very well!  As a Team, Cy Woods Wildcat Fishing Team finished 3rd our of 72 High Schools and brought back some hardware for the Woods trophy case.  Four of our six Regional qualifying Teams have advanced to Fish the State Championship at Lake Texoma May 14-16.

In the Regional Tournament at Lake Palestine with 182 teams competing, the four Teams advancing to State had the following results:

7th place with 14.48 lbs

10th place with 12.75 lbs

6.78 lbs

5.48 lbs

Step Team

On Saturday, April 17th the Cypress Woods Step Team, Royal Vision, competed in the World of Step Finals at Klein Forest High School.  Teams came from all over the country to compete in this step show.  Cypress Woods earned a second place in the Co-ed Division and qualified for the National Competition!

Congratulations Royal Vision!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Stress Awareness Day

Friday was National Stress Awareness Day.  With the high-stress students and teachers endure, make sure to spend time to de-stress and relax.  Some things you can do to help reduce your stress level is taking some time for yourself, resting and exercising.

Varsity Softball

Varsity softball beat Cy Park Friday night 18-2.  That puts their record at 25-4 on the season and 11-1 in district.  They will next take on Cy Springs at Cy Springs on Tuesday.


Cypress Woods FFA CDE teams competed at the Area contest this past week and weekend.  The following teams competed: Entomology, Floriculture, Horse Judging, Livestock Judging, Meat Judging, Nursery Landscape, Vet Med and Wildlife.  Nursery placed 6th overall.  Then a 5th place finish in Meat judging by their team.  Vet Med placed 5th overall.  Entomology placed 3rd with an individual 3rd place overall.  Horse judging defended their title and placed 1st with their team and an individual 2nd overall.

Entomology, meat judging, horse judging and vet med will all be moving onto the state contest!!  Please help us congratulate these Wildcats for all their hard work this year!!



April 21-22 (Wed.-Thurs.)

Regional Tournament

Bear Ridge GC, Waco TX


April 19-20, 2021 (Mon.-Tues.)

Regional Tournament

Bear Ridge GC, Waco TX


April 21, 2021 (Wednesday)

FR District 16-6A Tourn @Cy Park HS (away)

JV District 16-6A Tourn.@ Bridgeland and Cy Ranch

HS (away)


April 20, 2021 (Tuesday)

Woods vs. Cy Springs (away) 4:30/6

April 23, 2021 (Friday)

Woods vs. Cy Lakes (home) 4:30/6


April 23-24, 2021 (Fri.-Sat)

Regional Track Meet

Waco TX, Midway High School


April 20, 2021 (Tuesday)

Woods vs. Cy Springs JV/V (home) 4/7

April 23, 2021 (Friday)

Woods vs Cy Springs JV/V (away) 4/7

April 24, 2021 (Saturday)

Woods vs. CyFair JV (away) 10a/12p

Woods vs. CyFair Soph. (home) 10/12


April 24, 2021 (Sat.)

State 6A Wrestling

Berry Center (away)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

No Place for Hate

You may not know the name Satoshi Tajiri, but we're willing to bet you would recognize his most famous creation, Pokemon.  Satoshi has stated that he is on the high-functioning end of the Autism Spectrum.  He has confirmed on more than one occasion that he has Asperger's Syndrome, but as a general rule Tajiri chooses not to talk about his diagnosis in public.  Rather, he prefers that his many accomplishments speak for themselves.  Here is one of his quotes, "We do have a lot in common.  The same earth, the same air, the same sky.  Maybe if we started looking at what's the same, instead of looking at what's different, well, who knows?" - Meowth

No Place for Hate

April is Autism Awareness Month.  There is no one type of Autism but many.  Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today.

The ways in which people with autism learn, think and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged.  Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently.  There are numerous successful individuals with some form of Autism. 

Monday, April 12, 2021







April 14-15, 2021 (Wed.-Thurs.)

District 10-6A Varsity Tournament (away)

Cy Ranch – Singles

Bridgeland - Doubles


April 13, 2021 (Tuesday)

Woods vs. Cy Ranch (away) 4:30/6

April 16, 2021 (Friday)

Woods vs. Cy Park (home) 5pm

Senior Night


April 15, 2021 (Thursday)

Area Track Meet (away)

District 15 6A/District 16-6A

Klein Memorial Stadium 8am


April 13, 2021 (Tuesday)

Woods vs. Cy Park JV/V (away) 4/7

April 14, 2021 (Wednesday)

Woods vs Bridgeland Soph.(away) 4/6

April 16, 2021 (Friday)

Woods vs. Cy Park JV/V (home) 4/7

April 17, 2021 (Saturday)

Woods vs. Bridgeland (home)

JV only 10/12


April 16 and 17, 2021 (Fri.-Sat.)

Regional 6A Regional III Tournament

Merrell Center (away)

Boys 4/16 TBA

Girls 4/17 TBA