Monday, April 30, 2018

Cy-Woods Choir's Pop Show Times

Come and support the Choir this weekend and come see our Pop Show! Our theme this year, is 80/90's!!!  We have 3 shows to choose from:  Friday night show is at 7pm. Saturday has a matinee show at 2pm and Saturday night at 7pm too!

Tickets prices are $10 and $15-the Matinee show is $5 and $10. We will be selling tickets to students during lunches at the end of this week. You can also purchase tickets on and get your tickets there too.  We will have concessions during the intermissions, so make sure to bring snack money for the show as well!

See you there Wildcats!

Final Transcript Request Form

Attention Seniors:
This week during your English IV class, you will be given a Final Transcript Request Form. Please be sure to complete this bright blue form and return it to your English teacher by May 1st. You can stop by the registrar's office before or after school or during your lunch time to submit this final transcript request form and fee if you plan on attending an Out of State University or Private University in Texas. Many colleges will not allow you to register for courses in the fall or spring of your freshman year if they have not received your final transcript.

Summer School Class Applications

Students, if you are interested in taking summer school classes, the applications are now available in the counselors' office. The deadline to register for original credit classes in May 11.

Dual Credit Class Information

Attention Junior and Sophomore students interested in taking dual credit classes for fall semester here at Cy-Woods:
This is the final week of Fall Dual Credit registration. There are only 5 days left to process your registration application. you need to speak with a Dual Credit Counselor in the counseling office today. If you have your pink registration form signed, return it to the counseling office today.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to earn college credits while taking classes at Cy-Woods.

Cy-Wood's Athletic Schedule

Boys Golf
May 14-15, 2018 (Mon.-Tues.)
State Tournament
Legacy Hills GC, Georgetown TX

TBA – Bi District Playoff
Cy Woods Athletics April 30-May 5, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Summer School Class Registration

Students, if you are interested in taking summer school classes, the applications are now available in the counselors' office. The deadline to register for original credit classes is May 11th.

Final Transcript Request Form

Attention Seniors:
This week during your English IV class, you will be given a Final Transcript Request Form. Please be sure to complete this bright blue form and return it to your English teacher by May 1st. You can stop by the registrar's office before or after school or during your lunch time to submit this final transcript request form and fee if you plan on attending an Out of State University, or Private University in Texas. Many colleges will not allow you to register for courses in the fall or spring of your freshman year if they have not received your final transcript.

Senior Panoramic Pictures Date

Senior Panoramic Pictures are Wednesday, April 25, during 2nd period. Seniors, you will receive your cap and gown that morning and will wear the gown for the senior pictures.

Cy-Wood's Swim, Dive, and Water Polo Team Meeting

The Cy-Wood's Swim, Dive, and Water Polo team will hold an informal meeting, today, at 6:30pm, in the teaching theatre for anyone interested in joining the team for the 2018-1029 season. Contact Coach Pease or Coach Crosson for more information.

Dual Credit Classes, 11 Days Left!

Attention Junior and Sophomore students interested in taking Dual Credit Classes for fall semester here at Cy-Woods.
There are only 11 days left 'til the deadline for fall dual credit registration. To begin your registration and learn about the required eligibility, you need to speak with a Dual Credit Counselor in the counseling office ASAP.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to earn college credits while taking classes at Cy-Woods.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Cy-Wood's Athletic Schedule

Girls Golf
April 23-24, 2018 (Mon.-Tues.)
Regional Golf Tournament
Eagle Pointe GC Mont Belvieu

Boys Golf
April 25-26, 2018 (Wed.-Thurs.)
Regional Tournament
Eagle Pointe GC Mont Belvieu


April 24, 2018 (Tuesday)
Woods vs. Cy Fair
Varsity/JV (home) 4/7, Soph. (away) 5p
April 27, 2018 (Friday)
Woods vs. Cy Fair
Varsity/JV (away) 4/7 Soph. (home) 5pm

April 27-28, 2018 (Fri.-Sat.)
UIL Region III 6A Track Meet
Humble HS Turner Stadium
Cy Woods Athletics April 23-28, 2018

Cy-Wood's Swim, Dive, and Water Polo Team Meeting

The Cy-Woods Swim, Dive, and Water Polo team will hold an informational meeting on April 24th at 6:30pm in the teaching theatre for anyone interested in joining the team for the 2018-1019 season. Contact Coact Pease or Coach Crosson for more information.

Scholarship and College News.

The Cy-Fair Educational Foundation has opened a scholarship application for students who are attending Lone Star college this fall. Visit to start your application today. The deadline is May 11.

Seniors, please keep updating scholarship award amounts with Mrs. England, as you receive scholarships. Remember to report all offers from all schools whether you are attending that school or not. You can also update your college decisions in Mrs. England's office.

The final scholarship bulletin for this school year is ready. You can access a copy online at the Cypress Woods College and Career Site, or pick up a copy in the counselor's office.

Final Transcript Request Form

Attention Seniors:  This week during your English IV class, you will be given a Final Transcript Request Form. Please be sure to complete this bright blue form and return it to your English teacher by May 1st. You Can stop by the registrar's office before or after school, or during your lunch time, to submit this final transcript request form and fee if you plan on attending an out of state university or private university in Texas.  Many colleges will not allow you to register for courses in the fall or spring of your freshman year if they have not received your final transcript.

Senior Panoramic Pictures!

Senior Panoramic  Pictures are Wednesday, April 25, during 2nd period. Seniors, you will receive your cap and gown that morning and will wear the gown for the senior pictures.

Dual Credit Registration Information

Attention Juniors and Sophomore Students interested in taking dual credit classes here at Cy-Woods:

Dual Credit Registration information for fall and summer is now available in the counseling office. You need to speak with a dual credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes, and complete the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

High School Physicals

Get your Cypress Woods High School Physical
              Saturday, April 21st
            For all grade levels
                  $20 cash only
               Performance Gym
*All CFISD athletic forms will be completed online
This physical will be valid for summer camps and the
      2018-2019 school year.
          Cypress Woods High School

Duat Credit Registration Information

Attention Juniors and Sophomore Students interested in taking dual credit classes here at Cy-Woods:

Dual Credit registration information for fall and summer is now available in the counseling office. You need to speak with a dual credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes, and complete the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Swim, Dive, and Water Pole Team Meeting for 2018-2019 School Year

The Cy Woods Swim, Dive, and Water Polo team, will hold an informational meeting on April 24th at 6:30 pm in the teaching theatre for anyone interested in joining the team for the 2018-2019 season. Contact Coact Pease or Coach Crosson for more information.

Final Transcript Request Form

Attention Seniors:

This week during your English IV class, you will be given a final transcript request form. Please be sure to complete this bright blue form and return it to your English teacher by May 1st. You can stop by the registrar's office before or after school or during your lunch time to submit this final transcript request form and fee, if you plan on attending an Out of State University, or Private University in Texas.
Many colleges will not allow you to register for courses in the fall or spring of your freshman year if they have not received your final transcript.

Visual Arts Student Art Auction

The Visual Arts Department will host its 4th annual Student Art Auction on Friday, April 20, from 6:30pm-8pm. There will be approximately 500 works of art for sale with minimum bids starting as low as $5!

Refreshments will be available for bidders.

All bidders must be present at the end of the auction to win. It will be a cash only event.

Come check out and buy some amazing student art to help promote our wildcat Artists.
Friday April 20! Mark your calendars!

Prom Tickets Information

Attention Seniors:

The last day to purchase prom tickets is May 4!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Final Transcript Request Form for Seniors

Attention Seniors:
This week during your English IV class, you will be given a Final Transcript Request Form. Please be sure to complete this bright blue form and return it to your English  teacher by May 1st. You can stop by the registrar's office before or after school or during your lunch time to submit this final transcript request form and fee if you plan on attending an Out of State University or Private University in Texas.
Many colleges will not allow you to register for courses in the fall or spring of your freshman year if they have not received your final high school transcript.

Visual Arts Student Art Auction

Visual Arts Student Art Auction
The Visual Arts Department will host its 4th annual Student Art Auction on Friday, April 20, from 6:30 pm-8 pm. There will be approximately 500 works of art for sale with minimum bids starting as low as $5!
Refreshments will be available for bidders.
All bidders must be present at the end of the auction to win. It will be a cash only event.
Come check out and buy some amazing student art to help promote our Wildcat Artists!

Dual Credit Class Information

Attention Juniors and Sophomore Students interested in taking Dual Credit classes here at Cy-Woods:
Dual Credit Registration information for Fall and Summer, is now available in the counseling office. You need to speak with a dual credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes, and complete the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Cy Woods High School Physicals

Cypress Woods High School
Saturday, April 21st
For all grade levels
  Performance Gym
*All CFISD athletic forms will be completed online.
This physical will be valid for summer camps and the 
2018-1019 school year.

Cy Woods Swim, Dive, and Water Polo Team Meeting for 2018-2019

The Cy Woods Swim, Dive, and Water Polo team will hold an informational  meeting on April 24th at 6:30 pm in the teaching theater for anyone interested in joining the team for the 2018-2019 season. Contact Coach Pease, or Coach Crosson, for more information.

College & Scholarship News

The Cy-Fair Educational Foundation has opened a scholarship application for students who are attending Lone Star College this fall. Visit to start your application today. The deadline is May 11.

Seniors, please keep updating your scholarship award amounts with Mrs. England as you receive scholarships. Remember to report all offers, whether you are accepting that offer or not. You can also update your college decisions in Mrs. England's office.

Cy Woods Athletic Schedule

Girls Golf
Boys Golf

April 17, 2018 (Tuesday)
Woods vs. Cy Creek (away) 5/7
April 20, 2018 (Friday)
Woods vs. Cy Springs (home) 5/7
Senior Night

April 17, 2018 (Tuesday)
Woods vs. Cy Springs
Varsity/JV (away) 4/7, Soph. (home) 5p
April 20, 2018 (Friday)
Woods vs. Cy Springs
Varsity/JV (home) 4/7 Soph. (away) 5pm
Senior Night

April 19, 2018 (Thursday)
HISD Area Meet

Friday, April 13, 2018

Cy Woods High School Physicals

Cy- Woods High School Physicals will be held here on Saturday, April 21st, from 12:30 pm-3:pm.
This will be for all grade levels and will cost $20. Cash Only, in the performance gym.
*All CFISD athletic forms will be completed online.  This physical will be valid for summer camps and the 2018-1019 school year.

Dual Credit Classes

Attention Juniors and Sophomore students  interested in taking Dual Credit classes here at Cy-Woods:
Dual credit registration information for fall and summer is now available in the counseling office. You need to speak with a dual credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes, and complete the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Student Advocacy Workshop

The Student Advocacy Workshop will be held here at Cy Woods High School,  in the Teaching Theater on Monday, April 16th, 3:30-4:30 pm. This event is open to all CFISD high school students.
*Students will need their ID to check in at front desk.  This is a non-partisan event presented by a non-partisan organization.
Presented by:  League of Women Voters  Cy-Fair

Dual Credit Class Information

Attention Juniors and Sophomore Students interested in taking Dual Credit classes here at Cy-Woods:

Dual credit registration information for fall and summer is now available in the counseling office. You need to speak with a dual credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes and complete the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

EOC Testing/Bell Schedule Change

EOC Testing will take place on Tuesday, April 10th,  and Thursday, April 12th. The bell schedule is posted on the Cy Woods website. Lunch times and early release times have been changed.

Scholarship and College News

Seniors, the Robison Elementary Scholarship is due this Thursday, April 12. Make sure to request an unofficial transcript in time to meet your deadline.

This Friday, April 13, we will have visitors from Texas Tech University, as well as local businesses hiring for summer jobs. Be sure to check out the tables for new opportunities for you.

Seniors, are you planning to start classes at Lone Star College this fall?  Registration for fall classes open today. See Mrs. England in the College and Career office if you have any questions about how to sign up for classes. Start close..go far!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mr. Cy Woods Pageant

The Mr. Cy Woods pageant is this Thursday, April 5, at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium. Tickets for the show can be purchased on (Search for Mr. Cy Wood 2018.) Tickets are $15.00 and you can reserve your seat. Come see these awesome guys as they compete in beach wear, formal wear, and talent.

Voting for Mr. Cy Woods is happening during all lunches through April 5th. Wildcats get to decide who has the best eyes, best smile, best legs, and best biceps. The cost is $1.00 for 2 votes. All classes can vote.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Athletic Schedule

April 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
Boys District Meet
April 4, 2018 (Wednesday)
Girls District Meet
Varsity @ Bridgeland
JV @ Cy Falls
Freshmen @ Cy Woods

Girls Soccer
April 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
Area Playoff Game
Woods vs. Ridge Point @ Legacy Stadium 5pm

Girls Golf
April 4 & 6, 2018 (Wed. & Fri.)
CFISD District Tournament
Cypress Lakes

Boys Golf
March 2 & 3, 2018 (Mon. & Tues.)
CFISD District Tournament
Cypress Lakes

April 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
Woods vs. Langham Creek (away) 4/7
April 6, 2018 (Friday)
Woods vs. Cy Fair (home) 5/7
April 7, 2018 (Saturday)
CFISD JV Tournament (away)
Cy Woods Athletics April 2-7, 2018

April 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
Woods vs Cy Falls
Varsity/JV (away) 4/7, Soph. (away) 5p
April 6, 2018 (Friday)
Woods vs. Cy Falls
Varsity/JV (home) 4/7 Soph. (away) 5pm
April 7, 2018 (Saturday)
Woods vs. Cy Lakes
Varsity/JV (away) 11am/2pm Soph. (home) 11pm

April 4-5, 2018 (Wed. & Thurs.)
District Meet
Langham Creek HS
Cy Woods Athletics April 2-7, 2018

Mr. Cy Woods Pageant

The Mr. Cy Woods pageant is this Thursday, April 5th, at 6:30pm in the auditorium. Tickets for the show can be purchased on (Search for Mr. Cy Woods 2018.)  Tickets are $15.00 and you can reserve your seat. Come see these awesome guys as they compete in beach wear, formal wear, and talent.

Voting for Mr. Cy Woods is happening during all lunches through April 5th. Wildcats get to decide who has the best eyes, best smile, best legs , and best biceps. The cost is $1.00 for 2  votes. All classes can vote.

Dual Credit Classes

Attention Juniors and Sophomore students interested in taking dual credit classes here at Cy-Woods.:
Dual Credit registration information for fall and summer is now available in the counseling office.. You need to speak with a Dual Credit counselor to begin your application for Lone Star, learn about the required eligibility to take classes, and completes the Lone Star class registration form. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Scholarship and College News

News from the College and Career Office: 
This week the Rennell Elementary and the Wilson Elementary School Scholarship applications are due.  Remember to request your transcripts in time to meet the deadlines. 
Many college summer camp opportunities are up on the College and Career Website.  Be sure to check it often.
Seniors, you should receive a scholarship award paper in your English class this week.  Please record all scholarships you have been awarded whether you are accepting the money or not.  Even if you are not receiving award money, make sure to write down where you will attend school or the branch of the military you plan to join after graduation.  You can return these papers to your English teacher or in the counseling office.

Stephanie England, M.Ed.
College and Career Specialist