Friday, November 21, 2014

Scholarship News


Friday, November 21st

·       SENIORS! Texas Student Housing is offering Texas high school graduates, $2,500/year scholarship, to assist with off-campus housing scholarships.  These scholarships are open to students accepted to colleges in Austin, College Station and Denton, Texas. Transcript Request deadline: Jan. 28th. Application deadline: Jan. 31st. See Mrs. Graves in the Registrar’s Office for more information. 


·       ATTENTION Juniors!...The Linda Lorelle Online Scholarship Application is available 2014-2015 school year. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! Amount of Award varies but, is sizeable enough to cover a major part of tuition cost and books at state colleges and universities. Transcript Request deadline: Feb. 20th. Application deadline: Feb. 27th.
See Mrs. Graves in the Registrar’s Office, for more information.

·       Seniors, here it is…The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Scholarship applications are now available online!  Each year, this organization awards more than $1,000,000 in scholarships. You are encouraged to apply for each scholarship. Seniors, don’t let this one pass you by!   Stop by the Registrar’s Office for more detailed information.

·         Seniors, if your parent or guardian is a U.S. Veteran then, you could be eligible to receive thousands of dollars toward your college tuition, regardless of financial need.  See Mrs. Graves in the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Boys Soccer Tryouts

Soccer tryouts will be on Dec. 1st the Monday we get back from Thanksgiving break. Tryouts will be at 3:00 on the practice fields behind the tennis courts.  If you want to tryout, you need to make sure you have a physical and athletic paper work completed and on file in the trainer's office, if not, you cannot tryout.  Any questions, please see Coach Day or Coach Nix.

Stuffed Animal Drive

Hey Wildcats, you've seen Toy Story!  Toys Matter! Please help us help and comfort the kids of Houston by bringing in your old stuffed animals to room 2216 or the red box in the cafeteria during all lunches for our H.P.D. Stuffed Animal Drive, everyday until December 5th.

Boys Golf Team

If you are interested in trying out for the boys golf team. You need to contact Coach Neil by December 5th about tryout information. You will need to have the athletic physical and packet on file with the athletic trainers in order to tryout.  Tryouts will be held on December 9th & 11th at Cypress Lakes Golf Course.

Girls Golf Tryouts

Girl's golf tryouts will be held December 9th at Cypress Lakes Golf Course. Please sign up for tryouts in athletics with Coach Ahlfinger, room 1105.

College and Scholarship News

Seniors, if  your parent or guardian is a U.S. Veteran, you could be eligible to receive thousands of dollars toward your college tuition, regardless of financial need. Stop by the counselor's office for complete details.

Texas Student Housing is offering Texas high school graduates $2,500/year scholarship, to assist with off-campus housing scholarships. These scholarships are open to students accepted to colleges in Austin, College Station and Denton, Texas. Application deadline is January 31, 2015. Stop by the Counselor's office for more information.

Cy-Wood's Playoff Football Game Time Change

Due to the weather forcast for tomorrow, the playoff football game vs Katy Taylor  has been moved from 1:00pm to 11:00am.
11/22/2014  Cy-Woods VS Katy Taylor @ the Berry Center @ 11:00am

Picture Re-Takes

School picture retakes will be on December  9th during lunches in the teaching theater

Monday, November 17, 2014

Boys Soccer Tryouts

Boys Soccer tryouts will be on Dec. 1st, the Monday we get back from Thanksgiving break. Tryouts will be at 3:00 on the practice fields behind the tennis courts.  If you want to tryout, you need to make sure you have a physical and athletic paper work completed and on file in the trainer's office. If not, you cannot tryout. Any questions please see Coach Day or Coach Nix.

Wildcat Senior Men

Hey Wildcat Senior Men!  Do you have the eyes, smile, biceps, talent and drive to represent your school as Mr. Cy Woods? This premier event, titled "RADIOACTIVE" is scheduled for January 22. Contestant entry forms will be available starting November 17 at the VIPS window. Pick up your forms and get ready!

Cy-Woods Scholarship and College News

SENIORS! Transcript requests for Dec. 1st deadlines are due on Wednesday, Nov. 19th! Please see Mrs. Bentsen in the registrar's office.

Military Academy Night is tomorrow night at 7:00pm at the Berry Center. All middle & high school students and parents interested in attending any of the Nation's Service Academies, are invited to attend. Representatives will present information and answer your questions on the application process, admission requirements and much more.

ATTENTION Juniors!  The Linda Lorelle OnLine Scholarship Application is available 2014-2015 school year.  Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! Amount of Award varies, but is sizable enough to cover a major part of tuition cost and book at state college and universities. Application deadline is February 27th.  Stop by the Counselor's office for more detailed information.

Athletics Schedule

17-6A Football Area Playoff Game
November 22, 2014 (Saturday) 1:00pm
Berry Center we are the Home Team
Woods vs Katy Taylor HS

November 18 2014 (Tuesday)
Non TISCA Qualifiers
Cy Ranch HS 5/6
November 21, 22, 2014 (Friday-Sat.)
TISCA Qualifiers
CISD Natatorium 7a/9a

Girls Basketball
November 18, 2014 (Tuesday)
Woods vs Bush (away) 4/5:30/7
November 20-22, 2014 (Thurs.-Friday)
Texas Invitational (away)

Boys Basketball
November 17, 2014 (Monday)
Woods vs. Madison (away)V
November 20-22, 2014 (Thurs.-Sat.)
CFISD JV Tournament

November 15, 20 14 (Thursday)
V, JV. Girls
Tri (home) 5:00pm

Girls Golf Tryouts

Girl's golf tryouts will be held December 9th at Cypress Lakes Golf Course. Please sign up for tryouts in athletics with Coach Ahlfinger, room 1105.

Crimson Cadettes Drill Team Tryouts

If you are interested in trying out to be a member of the Crimson Cadettes drill team, tryout packets are now available in the dance room, room 1990. You can go by the dance room  and grab a packet and also sign up to tryout.  The tryout process will begin the week of December 9th. All Crimson Cadette hopeful candidates must attend a parent meeting on November 18th at 6pm and tryout packets are due to Mrs. Gregory in the dance room by November 21st.

Girls Soccer Tryouts

Girls soccer tryouts will be held Monday, Dec. 1st and Tuesday, Dec. 2nd.  You must have a physical on file to tryout. Any girl interested must sign up with Coach Trocquet or Coach Prieto. There is a also a sign up list on the door of the girls coaches office.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ice Hockey

Ice Hockey, Friday @ 7:00pm @ Willobrook
Woods VS Fair Creek

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Scholarship and College News

Transcript Request Deadline for Texas A&M and UT Austin
If you are applying to Texas A&M College Station, University of Texas at Austin or any school with a  December 1st application deadline, please turn in your transcript request to the registrar's office by November 19th. Requests received after November 19th may not be sent in time due to the Thanksgiving break!

Veterans Day Celebration

Coast Guard:  The Coast Guard was formed from the merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S Life-Saving Service on January 28th 1915, as an organization under the U.S Department of the Treasury.  The Coast Guard has been involved in every war from 1790 up to the Iraq war and is even involved in Afghanistan. Their mission is to administer the various bridge statutes,  environmental laws of the United States, pertinent regulations and polices in a timely, courteous, responsive and professional manner. This mission will contribute to the development of a safer, more efficient and convenient marine and land transportation system that will effectively utilize and conserve the nation's resources in a cost efficient manner, while providing for the well being, general safety, security, and interests of the citizens of the United States. Their motto is semper paratus, meaning always ready.

Girls Golf Tryouts

Girl's golf tryouts will be held December 9th at Cypress Lakes Golf Course. Please sign up for tryouts in athletics with Coach Ahlfinger, room 1105.

Crimson Cadettes Drill Team Tryouts

If you are interested in trying out to be a member of the Crimson Cadettes Drill Team, tryout packets are now available in the dance room, room 1990. You can go by the dance room all this week and grab a packet and also sign up to tryout. The tryout process will begin the week of December 9th. All Crimson Cadette hopeful candidates must attend a parent meeting on November 18th at 6pm and tryout packets are due to Mrs. Gregory in the dance room by November 21st.

College and Scholarship News

Military Academy Night is at 7:00pm on November 18th at the Berry Center.  All middle and high school students and parents interested in attending any of the nation's service academies, are invited to attend.  Representatives will present information and answer your questions on the application process, admission requirements and much more.

Attention Juniors!  The Linda Lorelle Online Scholarship Application is available 2014-2015 school year. Don't msis out on this amazing opportunity! Amount of Award varies, but is sizeable enough to cover a major part of tuition cost and books at state colleges and universities. The application deadline is February 27, 2015.

Stop by the Counselor's Office for more information.

Fall Final Schedule

The Fall Final Schedule is now out.  Please go to the CyWoods Website and look under the schedules category for a printable version.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

College and Scholarship News MUST check out the Hamman Foundation Scholarship!  This organization will offer (70) $16,000 scholarships to students who show academic achievement and financial need. Applications must be submitted by 4:00pm on February 20th. Don't let this one pass you by!

Stephen F. Austin is having their "Showcase Saturday Open House" on November 15th. Students will have the opportunity to speak with representatives from academic departments, enjoy a campus tour, visit housing facitities, and learn about financial aid and scholarship opportunities.

Trinity University is having their Houston Interview Weekend November 15-16th. This is a great opportunity for students to distinguish themselves in Trinity's applicant pool and gain further insight into the many academic and co-curricular options available.

Stop by the Registrar's office for complete details.

Veterans Day Celebration

Marines:  The Continental Marines were formed on November 10th 1775., in Philadelphia as an infantry force capable of fighting both at sea and on shore. The Marine Corps has distinguished itself by serving in the majority of American wars, from its inception to the modern era. By the mid-20th century, the Marine corps had become the dominant practitioner of amphibious warfare. Their mission is to make Marines,  win our nation's battles and develop quality citizens. They form our reputation as America's force in readiness and are honored through the reciprocal commitment, between the Marine and Marine Corps, expressed in their motto:  semper fidelis, meaning always faithful.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Girls's Golf Tryouts

Girl's Golf Tryouts will be held December 9th at Cypress Lakes Golf Course. Please sign up for tryouts in athletics with Coach Ahlfinger, room 1105.

Scholarship Information

Seniors, if you are applying to The University of Texas and Texas A&M, their application deadline
is December 1st. Don't miss it!

Military Academy Night will be at The Berry Center on November 18th. All middle and high school students are invited to attend! Representatives will present information and answer your questions on the application process, admission requirements and much more.

For Senior Women...The Cy-Fair Women's Club Scholarship is ready! Qualifications are... Community Service, Academic Performance, and Financial Need. January 30th. Don't miss out on this one!.. Please stop by the Registrar's Office for complete details regarding this application.

Seniors, here it is...The Houston Livestock Show and rodeo Scholarship.  Applications are now available online!  Each year, this organization awards more than $1,000,000 in scholarships. Don't let this one pass you by! Stop by the Registrar's Office for complete details regarding this application.

Veterans Day

Navy:  The United States Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces. It is estimated to be larger than the next 13 largest navies with their ranks including 14 ballistic missile submarines carrying half of our nation's nuclear arsenal. The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. Their motto is, Not self but country.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Veterans Day

Army:  The United States Army is the largest branch of the armed forces and is responsible for land-based military operations. The modern army has its roots in the Continental Army which was formed June 14th 1775 to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War before the establishment of the United States. The Army's mission is to fight and win our Nation's wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations. The army motto is "This We'll Defend."


17-6A Football Playoff Game
November 15, 2014 (Saturday) 1:00pm
Berry Center we are the Home Team
Woods vs Aldine Davis

November 13, 2014 (Tuesday)
Cy Ridge/Cy Springs 5/6pm

Girls Basketball
November 13-15, 2014 (Thurs.-Sat.)
Baytown Tournament - away
Pasadena Tournament - away
Oak Ridge Tournament - away

Boys Basketball
November 15, 2014 (Saturday)
Morton Ranch - away

November 13, 2014 (Thursday)
V, JV. Girls
Tri (home) 5:00pm

Friday, November 7, 2014

Veteran's Day/Week AFJROTC Announcement

Cy Woods will celebrate Veteran's Day/Week, beginning Monday.

We will kickoff the week with the U.S. Army Golden Knights Paracuting Team. They will touch down in our very own football stadium Monday morning.

Be sure to view our wall of Heroes.  So many of our family and friends have served our country beginning from World War 1 until present day.

Stay tuned for more events all of next week!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held Friday, November 7th, beginning at 2:45 and ending at 4:45.  All boys interested in trying out must have an athletic physical on file in the Athletic Trainers office.
If you have any questions, please see Coach Draudt.

College Applications with a deadline of December 1st.

Seniors, if you are applying to Texas A&M, the University of Texas at Austin, or a college or university with an application deadline of December 1st, please turn your transcript request in to the registrar's office by Wednesday, November 19th.

W.R.A.P. Car Wash

W.R.A.P. 2015 is having a CAR WASH!
Saturday, November 8, at PO's on Telge.
Time:  8:00a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Help raise money for W.R.A.P. 2015.
See the WRAP Website/VIPS Table during lunches

Crimson Cadettes Drill Team Tryouts

If you are interested in trying out to be a member of the Crimson Cadettes Drill Team, tryout packets are now available in the dance room, room 1990. You can go by the dance room at any time this week and grab a packet and also sign up to tryout. The tryout process will begin the week of December 9th. All Crimson Cadette hopeful candidates must attend a parent meeting on November 18th at 6pm and tryout packets are due to Mrs. Gregory in the dance room by November 21st.

Monday, November 3, 2014


November 6, 2014 (Thursday) (Home)
Sr. Night
Woods vs. Cy Springs
7:00pm Berry Center
November 5, 2014 (Wednesday)
Woods vs. Cy Springs
JV - away 5/7
Freshman - home 5/7

Cross Country
November 7 & 8, 2014 (Fri., and Sat.)
State Championship Round Rock Texas

November 8, 2014 (Saturday)
Spring Branch, Spring Woods HS 7a

November 7, 2014 (Friday)
Cy Ranch HS 5/6
November 7, 2014 (Friday)
Spring Branch Invite
Spring Woods 4/5

Girls Basketball
November 4, 2014 (Tuesday)
Aldine Davis (away) 4pm
November 8, 2014 (Saturday)
Dawson (away) 8am

Boys Basketball
November 8, 2014 (Saturday)
Kingwood Park (away) 9am

Basketball Tryouts

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held Friday, November 7th beginning at 2:45 and endilng at 4:45. All boys interested in trying out must have an athletic physical on file in the Athletic Trainers office. If you have any questions please see Coach Draudt.

Aspire Testing

Due to ASPIRE Testing on Monday, November 10th, we will be on an alternate bell schedule. Early release times are impacted. For full details, visit the Testing section, which can be found under Counseling, of the school website.