Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Be a Part of UIL

Interested in becoming a State Champion in Academics? Interested in big money scholarships to help you pay for college? Are you already competing in Academic Events? If you said yes to any of these three questions, the Cy Woods UIL Academic Team has a place for you. 

CLICK HERE for more information

Algebra 1 Required Supplies for 2014-15

To help make this a successful year, students need to obtain the items by Sept. 2. 
Items to be turned into the teacher - 4 AAA batteries, Composition book, 2 glue sticks, 2 rolls of scotch tape, ream of copier paper, and box of tissue
Items to be used during class but not given to teacher - binder with paper and dividers, pencils, highlighter, thin makers or coloring pencils