Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Cy-Woods Athletic Trainers will offer physical exams on Saturday, May 31st from 9a-12n, in the Competition Gym.  The cost is $20 and is for students participating in: Athletics, ROTC, Band, Color Guard, Cheerleader, Drill Team, Jr. High Students and Summer Camp.

Packets can be picked up at Cy-Woods Front Desk, Training Room, or downloaded from www.cfisd.net.

* Please have all physical paperwork filled out before coming to physical.

Scholarship Information

For Seniors!...
  • The CFEF Schroeder Scholarship Application is available online at www.thecfef.org.  The organization will have (50) awards for students attending a Lone Star College campus this Fall.
  • The Ozarka Water Company is giving out awards worth $10,000.00 to senior high school students pursuing a degree in the field of earth/environmental science.
Opportunities for High School Students...
  • The City of Houston, Department of Public Works and Engineering, is launching its 7th Annual Summer Camp in June.  The camp is designed to provide students with hands-on activities for those interested in careers in public service.
  • CampCardiac and CampNeuro... Both are one week summer day camps that provide students with unique opportunities to learn directly from experts in the medical field.  These camps are for students 15 years and older, and with an interest in exploring careers in medicine.
**See Ms. Smith, in the Registrar's Office, for further details.

Tennis Anyone???

Calling ALL Tennis Players!  Any current 9th, 10th or 11th grade Cy-Woods student interested in playing tennis next year must attend the 2-day Try Out Session. 
  • You must have a current Physical Form on file with the Athetic Trainer.
  • Try Outs will be held on April 30th from 3:15p-5:15p; and, May 1st from 2:45p-4:45p.
See Coach Baron or Coach Schmitzer for more details.

This Week in Athletics: April 14-19, 2014

Tuesday, April 15
Woods vs. Jersey Village (away) 4:30p/6p

Baseball - Varsity and JV
Woods vs. Cy Creek (home) 4p/7p

Baseball- Sophomore
Woods vs. Cy Creek (away) 4p

Thursday, April 17
Woods vs. Cy Lakes (home) 4:30p/6p

Baseball- Varsity and JV
Woods vs. Cy Creek (away) 4p/7p

Baseball- Sophomore
Woods vs. Cy Creek (home) 4p

Track - Girls and Boys
Area Meet - Alief