Thursday, May 30, 2013
Senior Items
NHS Seniors! Honor stoles are in for graduation! Come pick them up in Mrs. Self’s room as soon as you can. They are $25.00.
Seniors, don’t forget to take care of your Senior Gift fee. You also want to take care of all fees before Senior Breakfast on June 5th. See Mr. Williams if you have any questions.
Seniors, if you have E.A.’s and have not spoken with your Assistant Principal, you need to make-up hours, immediately. Also, if you have a fee/fine or lost textbook, you need to clear them immediately.
Dual Credit Courses for Next Year
Reminder for all 10th and 11th graders taking Dual Credit Courses for next year: Please turn in your completed orange registration sheet to the counselor’s office as soon as possible. Please see either Ms. Condit or Ms. Williams.
Society of Arts Meetings
Remember Wildcats! If you are interested in having fun, learning and expressing your artistic abilities, don’t forget, every Tuesday there is a Society for The Arts Meeting after school in room 2809. All are welcome! See you there.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Cypress Woods Academic Awards Program
May 28, 2013
6:00 pm 9th & 10th grade
7:30 pm 11th & 12th grade
Invitations are being sent home with students who are receiving awards such as: Distinguished Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Honor Graduates, and Special Awards.
Medicine Pick-Up
As we all prepare for the end of the school year, please remember to pick up any medications that you have dropped off to the clinic. The deadline for all medications to be picked up will be Wednesday, May 29, 2013. According to the district guidelines, any medications left in the clinic will be disposed of. Thank you for another great year!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Attention Juniors interested in doing late arrival or early release next year. Applications are now
available in the counselor’s office.
- Summer School registration has begun. Registration packets can be picked up in the Counselor’s Office.
- May 8, 9 and 10th are late arrival days for juniors and seniors due to EOC testing. All 11th and 12thgrade students must report to the auditorium by 12:15p on May 8, 9 and 10th. There will be NO double early release on these days for seniors. Please make arrangements if this affects your job schedule. All early release seniors will be able to leave at 1:33p.
If you are absent these days, it will count against your exemptions for final exams. You must attend the entire period to be counted present. Those late arrival students who want to eat lunch on campus May 8, 9 and 10th, must report to the auditorium by 10:40am.
- Test Seniors, if you plan on attending prom and bringing a date who is not a Cy-Woods student, you can go online to the Cy-Woods website and run a copy of the Date permission form. This form must be filled out and returned to your Assistant Principal for approval.
- Seniors, Prom tickets go on sale May 1, 2, 3. The tickets are $90 plus $20 for senior gift, if you have not paid the senior fee. Date permission forms are available on-line, now.
- Seniors, if you have E.A.’s and have not spoken with your Assistant Principal, you need to make-up hours, immediately. Also, if you have a fee/fine or lost textbook, you need to clear them immediately.
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